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05 Sep, 2022
Posted by: admin
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Why Should You Hire Licensed Electrical Professionals Instead of DIY?

When it comes to electrical repairs in your home, you don’t have to do everything yourself to save money and get a project completed on time. After all, electricity and fire are not issues to be toyed with. While some individuals might joke about shock therapy offering an improvement to one’s mental state, trying to […]

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02 Aug, 2022
Posted by: admin
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Why Are My Lights Flickering and Blinking?

Flickering of lights is common in any circumstance, like a storm or a bulb that needs replacing. However, if this flickering has just started, now it is happening regularly. Then you probably shouldn’t ignore it as this might be a sign of a severe electrical issue that can lead to a total outage or worse—a […]

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30 Jun, 2022
Posted by: admin
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7 signs that indicate your home needs rewiring

Have you noticed intermittent power surges when the weather is clear? Do certain rooms have a strange “burning smell” that can’t be explained? Before you cross off such events as a figment of your imagination, you might consider looking up electrical contractors in your area because your home might need rewiring and replacement of the […]